Thoughts on the hobby when Gen X/Y are gone?
Once Gen X/Y are gone 50 years or so from now, where do you guys see this hobby going? Clearly nostalgia is a big part of it, but for generations who didn't grow up with CRT's, nostalgia isn't going to be a factor for them.
Like, there are cool things from my dad's Gen like those old gas pumps for example, they are cool, but I have no iterest in owning one, because the were a thing before my time and hold no nostalgia factor for me.
Do you guys see CRTs being viewed this way down the line? I'm sure there will always be hobbiests, 300 years from now certainly there will be sets out there, but will likely be the pristine ones in the hands of those just wanting to preserve them.
Once Gen X/Y are gone 50 years or so from now, where do you guys see this hobby going? Clearly nostalgia is a big part of it, but for generations who didn't grow up with CRT's, nostalgia isn't going to be a factor for them.
Like, there are cool things from my dad's Gen like those old gas pumps for example, they are cool, but I have no iterest in owning one, because the were a thing before my time and hold no nostalgia factor for me.
Do you guys see CRTs being viewed this way down the line? I'm sure there will always be hobbiests, 300 years from now certainly there will be sets out there, but will likely be the pristine ones in the hands of those just wanting to preserve them.